David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk> writes:

> On Mon 01 Apr 2019 at 11:37:42 (+1100), Andrew Bernard wrote:
>> Hi Valentin,
>> Thanks so much. Now to learn Metafont then. Shouldn't be too hard - I have
>> been a programmer for more than forty years. [Despite that, I still cannot
>> come to grips with the lilypond source, and all my lilypond questions all
>> appear to be from a beginner. :-) ]
>> The immediate task is to add various violin string mute symbols. But it
>> sounds like this is going to be a useful skill to have.
> Don't miss the book at
> http://www.ctex.org/documents/shredder/src/mfbook.pdf

The METAFONT book is copyrighted, and distribution of the PDF certainly
is a violation of the copying permissions for its source code which has
been made available for educational permissions with the following
notice/code at the start:

% This manual is copyright (C) 1986 by the American Mathematical Society.
% All rights are reserved!
% The file is distributed only for people to see its examples of TeX input,
% not for use in the preparation of books like The METAFONTbook.
% Permission for any other use of this file must be obtained in writing
% from the copyright holder and also from the publisher (Addison-Wesley).
  \errmessage{This manual is copyrighted and should not be TeXed}\repeat

I don't think you are doing people a favor by pointing them to PDF files
created in defiance of the license, discouraging the publisher from
being similarly helpful in future.

David Kastrup

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