Hi Valentin,

Thanks so much. Now to learn Metafont then. Shouldn't be too hard - I have
been a programmer for more than forty years. [Despite that, I still cannot
come to grips with the lilypond source, and all my lilypond questions all
appear to be from a beginner. :-) ]

The immediate task is to add various violin string mute symbols. But it
sounds like this is going to be a useful skill to have.


On Mon, 1 Apr 2019 at 01:50, Valentin Villenave <valen...@villenave.net>

> Very extensible; quite a few new glyphs have been added recently.
> That is, however, assuming you can master metafont syntax. Many have
> given up, but you’ll be regarded as a hero if you do -- well, at least
> by me :-)
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