el 2019-02-19 a las 11:30 Thomas Morley escribió:

> Did you already try my suggestion for flat flags?
> #(define-public (flat-flag grob)
>   "Flat flag style.  The angles of the flags are both 0 degrees"
>   ((straight-flag 0.48 0.81 0 1.0 0 1.0) grob))
> Put it on top of your ly-file, you should see a significant improvement.

That's great, thank you! I didn't even know you could modify those
properties in the lilypond code, I thought you had to edit the sources and
recompile lilypond.

Your suggested values are a significant improvement, indeed, although I
do not use flat flags. 

I tried these values for straight-modern, and I find the result

#(define-public (modern-straight-flag grob)
  ((straight-flag 0.52 0.88 -18 1.1 22 1.2) grob))

One problem remains, though: the first flag is not aligned with the end of
the stem (see the attached ly files and their output).



\version "2.21.0"

#(define-public (modern-straight-flag grob)
  ((straight-flag 0.52 0.88 -18 1.1 22 1.2) grob))
\layout {
  \context {
      \override Flag.stencil = #modern-straight-flag

\relative c' {

  { f'8 f16 f32 f }
  { d8 d16 d32 d }

Attachment: straight-modern.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

\version "2.21.0"

#(define-public (flat-flag grob)
  "Flat flag style.  The angles of the flags are both 0 degrees"
  ((straight-flag 0.48 0.81 0 1.0 0 1.0) grob))

\layout {
  \context {
      \override Flag.stencil = #flat-flag

\relative c' {

  { f'8 f16 f32 f }
  { d8 d16 d32 d }

Attachment: flat_flags.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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