Anton Woldhek wrote:
Hello Graham, lilypond list.
Please keep lilypond traffic on the mailist, so that other people can benefit from the answers
Yes, thanks for pointing thatout to me, most of the mailingslists I
subscribe to set it up with the reply-to thing, hence my mistake. I'll tyr
to pay more attention next time :)
I don't know what texniccentre is like, but I'm pretty certain that lilypond-book is exactly what you're after.
The thing im worried about is that lilypond doesn't have the packages I will need, like babel, and that ill have to spend more time learning LaTeX then im currently interested in.
For the text part of the document, you can use anything in a lilypond-book that you can use in a separate LaTeX document and for the music examples, you can do anything in a lilypond-book document as you can do in a separate .ly file, so I don't really see the problem.
Just as Graham, I don't really know anything about texniccentre, but I'm sure that when you ask it to process a document, it will save a file and then process the file using the program called latex. I guess that you run in Windows and currently use MikTeX. You cannot use lilypond-book together with MikTeX, but the cygwin system contains the teTeX system, which is just as capable as MikTeX (just make sure to rerun setup.exe and install the packages 'tetex-base' and 'tetex-extra'). So, if you want to use lilypond-book together with texniccentre, you should - Find a way to insert the lilypond code into the document. I'm sure there's a way to insert arbitrary LaTeX code into the document, so that shouldn't be a problem. - Instead of letting texniccentre run latex, you have to take the file saved by texniccentre and call first lilypond-book and then latex from within the Cygwin command window (as described in the LilyPond manual). It would probably be very easy for a hacker to automate this process, so you could do these steps also from within texniccentre, but to start with, you could do it manually. In the second step, make sure to change directory to the directory where texniccentre saved the file. Directory paths work differently in Cygwin than in Windows, so if you for example want to change directory to C:\Documents and Settings\MeAndMyself\, you should use the cygwin command cd /cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/MeAndMyself
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