Hello Graham, lilypond list.

> Please keep lilypond traffic on the mailist, so that other 
> people can benefit from the answers
Yes, thanks for pointing thatout to me, most of the mailingslists I
subscribe to set it up with the reply-to thing, hence my mistake. I'll tyr
to pay more attention next time :)
> I don't know what texniccentre is like, but I'm pretty 
> certain that lilypond-book is exactly what you're after.

The thing im worried about is that lilypond doesn't have the packages I will
need, like babel, and that ill have to spend more time learning LaTeX then
im currently interested in. But perhaps ill just have too. Ill try to
compile my current document that I did with png this weekend see if that
works before I start complaining aobut problems that arent a problem.


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