Hi Valentin and everybody.

So, now the chord name is preserved when \dropNote or \raiseNote is applied once, but not when is applied twice or more.

It reminds me something that happens when a variable in lilypond is called with $ instead of # , but in scheme I don't see this difference.

Could it be something like that?

BTW I prefeer \riseNote instead of \raiseNote .



Il 23/01/2019 23:10, Valentin Villenave ha scritto:
On 1/19/19, Davide Bonetti <d...@davidebonetti.it> wrote:
For the sake of the discussion, I copy there the code as it now is:
Greetings Davide and everybody,
although these chord-transform functions were only intended for
written voicings (i.e. not ChordNames), David K. had a brilliant idea:
by setting the 'octavation property for every transposed pitch, we can
print the intended voicing *without* causing the chord to loose its

Problem: the version I tried to modify (see below) works nicely for
primary \dropNote and \raiseNote commands, but when they’re nested
(e.g. with \invertChords) it gives erratic results. There’s obviously
something I missed; could anybody give it a try and tell me where it’s
going off the rails?


\version "2.21.0"

#(define-public (move-chord-note n direction)
    (_i "Transpose a note (numbered as @var{n}) by one octave in
    (lambda (music)
      (let* ((elts (ly:music-property music 'elements))
             (l (length elts))
             ;; if direction is up, count from the bottom note upward,
             ;; if direction is down, count from the top note downward.
             (count-from (cond ((= direction UP) (- n 1))
                           ((= direction DOWN) (- l n))))
             ;; Notes may not have been entered from bottom to top;
             ;; extract the pitches and put them in order.
             (pitches (map (lambda (x) (ly:music-property x 'pitch))
                         (lambda (y)
                           (music-is-of-type? y 'note-event))
             (sorted (sort pitches ly:pitch<?)))
        (if (and (music-is-of-type? music 'event-chord)
                 (not (zero? n)) (>= l n))
             ;; first apply the sorted pitches
             ;; to the actual notes.
             (map (lambda (e p)
                    (ly:music-set-property! e 'pitch p))
               elts sorted)
             ;; then transpose the note up or
             ;; down, depending on direction.
             (let* ((note (list-ref elts count-from))
                    (oct (ly:music-property note 'octavation)))
               (list-set! elts count-from
                 (ly:music-transpose note
                     ((= direction UP) +1)
                     ((= direction DOWN) -1))
               (ly:music-set-property! note 'octavation
                 (+ (cond
                     ((= direction UP) 1)
                     ((= direction DOWN) -1))
                   (if (null? oct) 0 oct))))

dropNote =
#(define-music-function (parser location num music) (integer? ly:music?)
    (_i "Drop a note of any chords in @var{music}, in @var{num}
position from above.")
    (music-map (move-chord-note num down) music))

raiseNote =
#(define-music-function (parser location num music) (integer? ly:music?)
    (_i "Raise a note of any chords in @var{music}, in @var{num}
position from below.")
    (music-map (move-chord-note num up) music))

invertChords =
#(define-music-function (num music) (integer? ly:music?)
    (_i "Invert any chords in @var{music} into their @var{num}-th position.
(Chord inversions may be directed downwards using negative integers.)")
    (let loop ((num num) (music music))
      (cond ((zero? num) music)
        ((negative? num) (loop (1+ num) (dropNote 1 music)))
        (else (loop (1- num) (raiseNote 1 music))))))

ac =
\chordmode {
   \dropNote 2 c:maj
   \raiseNote 1 d:m7
   \invertChords 2 e:m7

   \chords { \ac }
     <>^\markup \sans "(should be: C△, Dm7 and Em7)"
     \ac  \bar "||"



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