In the piece pasted below, Benedicite by Dan Goggin from the musical
Nunsense, there appears to be a problem with the \transpose and the
second ending. The \transpose is on line 70, the 2nd ending on line 93.
When I close the second ending all the notes after that measure are no
longer transposed. I had the 2nd ending close after just one measure and
noticed the notes from the next measure to the end of the piece did not
get transposed, so I moved the two closing }} to a few measures further,
and again, the notes after the closing }} did not get transposed. I have
had to move the }} to the very end of the piece to get all the notes
This seems rather strange, and I have not seen it happen before, and I've used \transpose alot on other pieces.

\version "2.2.0"
\include ""
\paper  {
    #(set-paper-size "letter")
    %#(paper-set-staff-size (* 7 mm))
    linewidth = #(* mm 170)
    indent = 0\mm
    %interscoreline = 2.\mm
  \context {
    \name ImproVoice
    \type "Engraver_group_engraver"
    \consists "Note_heads_engraver"
    \consists "Text_engraver"
    \consists Pitch_squash_engraver
    squashedPosition = #0
    \override NoteHead #'style = #'slash
    \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
    \alias Voice
  \context {
    \accepts ImproVoice
\header {
  title = "6. Benedicite"
  composer = "Dan Goggin"
  %opus = ""
  instrument = "Clarinet"
  %arranger = "Geron Davis and Bradley Knight"
  %poet = "Cumbia"
  piece = "Vamp till ready"

\score {
  %\transpose bf c
  \relative c'''
  \set Score.skipBars = ##t
  \override Staff.MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = #1
  \time 2/2
  %\tempo 4=100 \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #7.0
  \clef treble
  \key g \major
  \bar "|:" R1 \bar ":|"
  r2 a8-. g8-. fs8-. e8-.
  \grace es16 fs4-. fs-. fs-. fs-.
  fs4-. fs-. fs-. fs-.
  fs4-. fs-. fs-. fs-.
  fs4-. fs-. fs-. fs-.
  a8 e cs[ e] a e fs[ e]
  gs8 e fs[ e] ds e fs[ gs]
  a4 g8 a fs[ a] e4
  d8 e fs[ g] a4 d,
  e1 ~
  e4 e'4 f\prallprall e-.
  r4 a,2. ~
  <<a1 {s4\< s4 s4 s4\!}>>
  r2 \grace gs'16 a4-. a,4-.
  \grace gs'16 a4-. a,-. \grace gs'16 a4-. a,-.
  \grace gs'16 a4-. a,-. \grace gs'16 a4-. a,-.
  \grace gs'16 a4-. a,-. \grace gs'16 a4-. a,-.
  \grace gs'16 a4-. a,-. \grace gs'16 a4-. a,-.
  \transpose f g
  \relative c''
  \repeat volta 2 {
  \once \override voice.TextScript #'extra-offset = #'(-3 . 2)
  f4^"DANCE (\"Nutcracker-ish\")" a8-. g-. f-.[ e-.] g-. f-.
  e4 e e8 ds e4
  d8-. e-. fs-.[ g-.] a-. g-. fs-.[ e-.]
  d-. e-. fs-.[ g-.] a-. fs-. d4
  g4\prallprall d d d
  g4\prallprall d d d
  e8-. f-. g-.[ e-.] a4-. e-.
  _"Rit." d4 d g8 a g a }
  \alternative {
  {a4\prallprall g g b
  a4\prallprall g g8 e g4
  a4\prallprall g g b
  a4\prallprall g g8( fs) g4
  d8-. c-. b-.[ c-.] d-. e-. d-.[ b-.]
  c8-. b-. a-.[ b-.] c-. d-. c-.[ a-.]
  {\grace fs'16_"A Tempo" g4 \grace fs16 g4 \grace fs16 g4 \grace fs16 g4
  \grace fs16 g4 \grace fs16 g4 \grace fs16 g8 fs g4
  \grace fs16 g4 \grace fs16 g4 \grace fs16 g4 \grace fs16 g4
  \grace fs16 g4 \grace fs16 g4 \grace fs16 g8 fs g4
  e2 fs2
  g8 b a[ g] f a g[ f]
  e8 g f[_"Rit." e] d f e[ d]\fermata
  d8_"A Tempo" e c[ e] d e c[ e]
  d8 e c[ e] g fs g4
  a4(\prallprall g) a4(\prallprall g)
  a4(\prallprall g) a4(\prallprall g)
  d4 r d' r
  d,1\fermata \prallprall
  r2_"A Tempo" \grace gs16 a4-. r
  r2 \grace gs16 a4-. r
  g8-. fs-. g-.[ fs-.] g4-. fs-.
  a4 g,16( b d g b4) g-.}}
  \bar "|."

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