David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> Andrew Bernard <andrew.bern...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I have many chords where a note is a harmonic. I use the following for the
>> note inside the chord:
>>   \tweak NoteHead.stencil  #ly:text-interface::print
>>   \tweak NoteHead.font-size #1
>>   \tweak NoteHead.text #(markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s0mi")
>> How can I make this into what I am tempted to call a macro (I know that is
>> not lilypond terminology)?
>> I have always been confused about the dash '-' used with tweak, and when to
>> use it and when not to.
> When in doubt, always when tweaking a post-event (which gets written
> after a note).  It tells LilyPond that the context of the expression is,
> well, a post-event.  Sometimes LilyPond can figure it out on its own
> depending on what the expression is used for, sometimes it doesn't
> matter.  But relying on either just makes your code less readable to you
> and others.
>> I am aware this is Dumb Question of the week, but something is stopping me
>> seeing the answer.
> Do not ever use { } except for enclosing sequential music or markup
> lists.  Braces have meaning.  With reasonably recent 2.19, you could
> just write
> harmonicNote =
>   -\tweak NoteHead.stencil  #ly:text-interface::print
>   -\tweak NoteHead.font-size #1
>   -\tweak NoteHead.text #(markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s0mi")
>   \etc
> Verbatim.

BZZZZZZZZZT, wrong.  Because you are not tweaking a post-event here but
a regular note event.  So indeed, just write \tweak \tweak \tweak rather
than -\tweak -\tweak -\tweak in _this_ case.

David Kastrup

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