I have many chords where a note is a harmonic. I use the following for the
note inside the chord:

  \tweak NoteHead.stencil  #ly:text-interface::print
  \tweak NoteHead.font-size #1
  \tweak NoteHead.text #(markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s0mi")

How can I make this into what I am tempted to call a macro (I know that is
not lilypond terminology)?

I have always been confused about the dash '-' used with tweak, and when to
use it and when not to. But my question is how to make this set of commands
some osrt of function so I can just say \harmonicNote for example.

Doing this does not work:

harmonicNote = {
  \tweak NoteHead.stencil  #ly:text-interface::print
  \tweak NoteHead.font-size #1
  \tweak NoteHead.text #(markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s0mi")

I am aware this is Dumb Question of the week, but something is stopping me
seeing the answer.

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