On Sunday 13 February 2005 07:40 pm, Paul Scott wrote:
> David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
> >That's what Pedro Kroger's 'lilypond-snapshot' does.  Both lilypond
> >(2.2.6) and lilypond-snapshot (2.4.2) work fine on my debian/testing
> >machine, but unfortunately there is a font problem with
> >lilypond-snapshot-book 2.4.2.  The alternative links are present,
> > but lilypond-snapshot-book 2.4.2 finds some of the wrong fonts, and
> > is not functional.  I reported it, and I'm just waiting for
> > something to happen.
> Can you give me an example?

I reported it here before reporting it to Pedro.  I posted the screen
some time ago.  It's in the archives.  Mats said that he thought it
was probably a packaging problem.  daveA

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