On 1/22/19, 8:07 PM, "Aaron Hill" <lilyp...@hillvisions.com> wrote:

    NOTE: I could not find a predicate for an association list, so I 
    provided one here.  If I overlooked something that already exists, then 
    we should swap out the predicate for that one.
When I was creating fret diagrams, Han-Wen did not want to use a function like 
this for alists because he said it was too time-intensive to run every time we 
wanted to check an alist.

So he had me use list? Instead.

I don't know if that advice still applies, because I haven't looked to see how 
much it would slow down our code if we changed all occurrences of list? to 
assoc-list? when the argument is supposed to be an alist.  We pass *lots* of 
alists throughout liliypond.



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