On 1/22/2019 7:45 AM, Andrew Bernard wrote:
What is the current best practice for scaling espressivo indicators,
making them longer?
There's a scale function in the archives from Harm, but I wonder if
there is a mechanism built in to 2.19.82 and so on?
Hi Andrew,
I had asked that question a while back on the mailing list in 2013, and
I've still been using this - it's worked fine so far - fwiw.
Not sure if another approach exists but so far so good here :)
\language "english"
#(define ((longer-script x) grob)
(let* ((stil (ly:script-interface::print grob)))
(ly:stencil-scale stil x 1)))
scaleEspr =
#(define-event-function (parser location x-val)(number?)
\tweak #'stencil #(longer-script x-val)
\relative c'' {
c4 e f\scaleEspr #1.1 g |
f_\scaleEspr #2 f_\scaleEspr #2
f_\scaleEspr #2
f_\scaleEspr #2
f\scaleEspr #2 f\scaleEspr #2 e\espressivo e\espressivo e\espressivo
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