
At the end of a choral work I want soprano solo, their text above the
staff, with remaining sopranos "Ooo" below the staff. There are also
dynamics, a dimenuendo, and a note re: Solo, etc. Right now LP engraves the
following by putting the lyrics above the dynamics, etc. Can I get the
lyrics below the dynamics, etc. (that is, immediate above the staff)?

%%% code begin
\score {
  \new Staff = "sopranos" <<
    << \new Voice = "Solo"
       { \voiceOne
           \partial 4 a'4^\mf^\dim ^"Solo, Remaining voices Ooos" \bar "||"
           a'4. bf'8 c''4 a' |
           g'2 f'\p |
       \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos" } \lyricsto
"Solo" {
         Yet what I can I give Him,
       \new Voice = "sopranoOoos"
       { \voiceTwo
           \partial 4 f'4( ~ |
           f'4. g'8 a'4 f' |
           f'2 d') |
       \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = #"sopranos" } \lyricsto
"sopranoOoos" { Ooo }
    >> \bar "|."
  \layout { }
%%%% code end


Guy Stalnaker
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