Michael Gerdau wrote
> First thing you have to answer for yourself is:
> What do I need feathered beams for?
> The answer should be something along the line "to visually notate an
> accellerando or rallentando".
> Assuming that's your answer then you should have a rough idea as to how
> strongly you wish to change the timing, as in double/halve the speed,
> adding 50% to it etc. pp.
> Doubling the speed would mean you'd have to issue
> \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 1/2)
> Halving the speed would mean
> \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 2/1)
> Adding 50% to it
> \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 2/3)
> and so on.
> You come to these numbers by dividing the metronom marks at the beginning
> of your section through the metronom mark at the end of it.
> Basically that's it. No magic. You as the composer have to know what you
> want and you should be able to write it down simply by giving metronom
> marks along the way. Once you can do that you could use feathered beams to
> visually show it.

Hello. I see what you are saying thank you. I just feel that feather beaming
is so confusing it all depends on so much, it's not simple like "select
these notes and change beam style to feather left or right". It's first,
math. Then, trial error. Then, settling. Then, Repeat. I now understand how
to create the feather beams on paper, but the bar line check fails is what
remains to be problemsome. Is there not a way that you can for me please
make it so you can use cadenzaOn for one instrument without effecting the
other instruments? I could use that as needed for feather beam so it would
ignore the barline check fails in those feather measures. But I tried it and

cadenzaon/off always affects other instruments of system staff. Can you
help? Maybe that's a better choice? Just to erase the idea of time fails.
Can Lily not allow to use cadenza on certain staffs but not all, occuring at
the same time that is in a system.

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