Hi Laura,

I was so disappointed with the complete mess the current abc2ly makes of
Irish tunes from the vast repository at thesession.org that I started
looking into this. The others mentioned that using abc2xml and then using
musixxml2ly supplied with lilypond is the way forward. I found this to be
logical, from the programming point of view of using a single intermediary
interface (MusicXML), and it works great, except for messed up header
blocks, which I just delete and hand edit.

It's such a good solution that I have decided to attack the musicxml2ly
problem by finally getting around to doing the lilypond wholesale uplift of
the ancient python version, which would offer many benefits in many areas.
A big project, but I am starting on it.

So I don't think it matters at all if the current abc2ly goes away. There's
a good current solution presently.


On Fri, 14 Dec 2018 at 09:59, Laura Conrad <lcon...@laymusic.org> wrote:

> I do actually use it on occasion.
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