On 2018-11-23 7:30 am, David Kastrup wrote:
Patrick Karl <patrickk...@me.com> writes:

I thank everyone for the replies.  I’ll just wait till it’s fixed.

I tried to find a version of Emmentaler-20 I could install on my mac,
but had no luck.  Is that a way out?  I have to admit that fonts are
pretty much a black hole for me.

PDF files should embed every font they contain.  If you have to install
external fonts for viewing them, something is broken.  Try using the
documentation files of 2.19.81 instead.

Since the issue is that fonts are not embedded, I wondered if the solution is as simple as embedding them after the fact. The important missing fonts in question are shipped with LilyPond, so then it was matter of looking online for a little bit of GhostScript:

    gs -o path-to-fixed.pdf \
      -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dEmbedAllFonts=true \
      -sFONTPATH="path-to-fonts" \

On my system, "path-to-fonts" would be:


Running the command against all of the 2.19.82 PDFs from the web site, the results are a significant improvement. There were only a few substitutions due to additional missing fonts, but those are largely irrelevant (i.e. "LuxiMono" used as an example of overriding the typewriter font).

Something for folks to consider to tide us over until the next release.

-- Aaron Hill

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