Thomas Morley <> writes:

> Am Do., 22. Nov. 2018 um 23:49 Uhr schrieb Patrick Karl <>:
>> I have lately been trying to move from v2.19.81 to 2.19.82.  The
>> biggest problem I see at this early stage is that
>>  v2.19.82 documentation is apparently dependent upon a new font,
>> Emmentaler-20.  Or at least I
>> get an error message such as:
>> Cannot find or create the font Emmentaler-20. Some characters may
>> not display or print correctly.
>> or
>> Cannot find or create the font TeXGyroSchola-Regular. Some
>> characters may not display or print correctly.
>> I have downloaded the pdf version of the documentation.  I’m running
>> OS X 10.11.6 on a mac pro and a macbook pro.
>> Does anyone have any helpful information here?  Does any of the
>> documentation address this problem, which I have not encountered in
>> the past (I’ve been running LilyPond since 2.14).
> It's a known problem, see full discussion here:
> Phil, David, any news about it?

I thought we decided to classify it as "fluke" (happening rarely and we
don't know why) and wanted to just see whether 2.19.83 looked ok again.
That 2.19.83 is stuck in the pipeline because of build problems and lack
of personal resources is, of course, doubly unfortunate because of the
documentation problem.

David Kastrup

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