Am Do., 1. Nov. 2018 um 16:21 Uhr schrieb Thomas Morley

> Furthermore, compiling your code with my guilev2-setup fails right
> from the beginning with:
> error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here
> #
>  (load "motif.scm")
> Unable to find file "./motif.scm" in load path

I tried to hunt this down...
Although, I still don't know why #(load "file.scm") done in a ly-file
stopped working, I've found #(primitive-load "file.scm) working for
guilv1 and guilev2.

While working on it I've found a little syntax-mistake in
'music-insert-before!' of your motif.scm
It should be
(fold (lambda (m b) (or b (music-insert-before! pos m items))) ...)
and not
(fold (lambda (m b) (b or (music-insert-before! pos m items))) ...)

No clue why guilev1 didn't warn.
Though, the guilev2 message is not that helpful either:
error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression beginning here
 (primitive-load "motif.scm")
source expression failed to match any pattern

Meaning: "there's a problem in this multiple
hundred-lines-of-code-file, Good Luck."



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