Hello Jan-Peter,

Thanks, that allows cross-selection between source code and resulting image.


> Le 4 oct. 2018 à 20:49, Jan-Peter Voigt <jp.vo...@gmx.de> a écrit :
> Hello,
> an engraver can set the duration-log property conditionally as a tweak:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.19.82"
> \layout {
>  \context {
>    \Voice
>    \consists #(make-engraver
>                (listeners
>                 ((note-event engraver event)
>                  (let ((durlog (ly:duration-log (ly:event-property
> event 'duration))))
>                    (if (> durlog 1) (ly:event-set-property! event
> 'tweaks '(((NoteHead . duration-log) . 1)) ))
>                    ))))
>  }
> }
> \relative d {
>  \clef bass \key d \major
>  \time 3/2
>  d1. | e1. | fis2 b,8*2[ cis d b] |
>  e1. | fis2. gis8*2 ais2 | b2 b,8*2 cis d2 |
>  e2. d8*2 cis2
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Jan-Peter
> Am 04.10.2018 um 20:20 schrieb Pierre Perol-Schneider:
>> Hi All,
>> Another option:
>> \version "2.19.82"
>> \relative d {
>>    \clef bass \key d \major
>>    \time 3/2
>>    d1. | e1.
>>    \override NoteHead.duration-log = #1
>>    | fis2 b,8*2[ cis d b] |
>>    \once\revert NoteHead.duration-log
>>    e1. | fis2. gis8*2 ais2 | b2 b,8*2 cis d2 |
>>    e2. d8*2 cis2
>> }
>> Cheers,
>> Pierre
>> Le jeu. 4 oct. 2018 à 14:32, Jacques Menu <imj-muz...@bluewin.ch
>> <mailto:imj-muz...@bluewin.ch <mailto:imj-muz...@bluewin.ch>>> a écrit :
>>    Hello Graham & Aaron,
>>    Thanks, both your solutions work fine. Lily is really great!
>>    Avoiding to use multiplying factors as in b,8*2 has the advantage
>>    that Frescobaldi can select the code from the glyphs and vice-versa
>>    alright.
>>    A nice day!
>>    JM
>>>    Le 4 oct. 2018 à 13:29, Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com 
>>> <mailto:lilyp...@hillvisions.com>
>>>    <mailto:lilyp...@hillvisions.com <mailto:lilyp...@hillvisions.com>>> a 
>>> écrit :
>>>    On 2018-10-04 2:09 am, Jacques Menu wrote:
>>>>    Hello folks,
>>>>    I’ve found this in Charpentier’s Te Deum, as engraved by the
>>>>    Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles, which I had never seen
>>>>    before:
>>>>    It’s quite readable indeed, maybe more than using the modern
>>>>    notation with quarters, and I’ve wondered if there a way to obtain
>>>>    that with Lily.
>>>    Simplest option is to use a note scaling fraction:
>>>    d2*1/2
>>>    This produces a "half note" but it has been scaled in half so it
>>>    only lasts as long as a quarter note.  The note head, however,
>>>    will still render as a half.
>>>    The problem is that this does not let you do beaming:
>>>    d2*1/2[ e f g]
>>>    You will get an error because half notes do not support beams.
>>>    One way to get around this is to use something like an eighth note
>>>    (which does support beams) and then scale it so it lasts as long
>>>    as a quarter (which is what the music in question needs):
>>>    d8*2[ e f g]
>>>    But now we are back at the problem where the note heads are
>>>    showing as solid.  Graham has provided a way to force the note
>>>    head to render however you want.  Allow me to provide an alternative:
>>>    %%%%
>>>    \version "2.19.82"
>>>    \relative d {
>>>     \clef bass \key d \major
>>>     \time 3/2
>>>     \override NoteHead.stencil = #(lambda (grob)
>>>       (let* ((dur (ly:event-property (event-cause grob) 'duration))
>>>              (dur? (and (eqv? (ly:duration-log dur) 3) (eqv?
>>>    (ly:duration-scale dur) 2))))
>>>         (if dur? (ly:grob-set-property! grob 'text (markup
>>>    #:musicglyph "noteheads.s1")))
>>>         (if dur? ly:text-interface::print ly:note-head::print)))
>>>     d1. | e1. | fis2 b,8*2[ cis d b] |
>>>     e1. | fis2. gis8*2 ais2 | b2 b,8*2 cis d2 |
>>>     e2. d8*2 cis2
>>>    }
>>>    %%%%
>>>    What I am doing here is providing a function that checks to see if
>>>    you are using the 8*2 duration specifically and only then
>>>    adjusting the way the note head is displayed.
>>>    -- Aaron Hill
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