On 4 Oct 2018, at 10:09, Jacques Menu wrote:

> Hello folks,
> I’ve found this in Charpentier’s Te Deum, as engraved by the Centre de 
> Musique Baroque de Versailles, which I had never seen before:
> <3-2 unusual writing.png>
> It’s quite readable indeed, maybe more than using the modern notation with 
> quarters, and I’ve wondered if there a way to obtain that with Lily.
> Thanks for your help!
> JM

Jacques, does this help?
The code works for your example, but it would need a bit of work to generalise 

\version "2.19.82"

whiteheads = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?)
    \temporary \override NoteHead.stencil = #ly:text-interface::print
    \temporary \override NoteHead.text = \markup {
      \musicglyph "noteheads.s1" }
    \omit \time 3/4
    \shiftDurations #1 #0 { #music }
    \omit \time 3/2
    \revert NoteHead.stencil
    \revert NoteHead.text

{ \clef bass 
  \key b \minor
  \time 3/2
  \relative { 
    d1. |
    e1. |
    \whiteheads {fis2 b,4 cis d b} |
    e1. |
    \whiteheads {fis2. gis4 ais2 |
    b2 b,4 cis d2 |
    e2. d4 cis2} |

kind regards
-- Graham

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