Hello Torsten and Lukas,

Thanks for the explanations and examples, they provide most useful information.

A nice day!


> Le 27 sept. 2018 à 00:22, Lukas-Fabian Moser <l...@gmx.de> a écrit :
> Hi,
>> My question is: are there actual music scores containing voices with initial 
>> grace notes groups of different lengths?
> Torsten already explained why all the grace groups at the beginning of the 
> piece should all have the same length. To address your     question: It's not 
> hard to make them effectively have the same length even if the respective 
> total displayed lengths differ.
> For example: The following leads to the well-known problem of misplaced 
> clef/key changes:
> \version "2.19.80"
> \new PianoStaff <<
>   \new Staff \relative e' {
>     \key a \major
>     \grace { e16 a cis }
>     e4
>   }
>   \new Staff {
>     \clef bass
>     \key a \major
>     \grace e8
>     <e a, cis'>4
>   }
> >>
> But either of the following variants may be used (basically depending on how 
> the rhythmic relationship between the different grace groups should be 
> understood):
> \version "2.19.80"
> \new PianoStaff <<
>   \new Staff \relative e' {
>     \key a \major
>     \grace { e16 a cis }
>     e4
>   }
>   \new Staff {
>     \clef bass
>     \key a \major
>     \grace e8*3/2
>     <e a, cis'>4
>   }
> >>
> or
> \version "2.19.80"
> \new PianoStaff <<
>   \new Staff \relative e' {
>     \key a \major
>     \grace { e16 a cis }
>     e4
>   }
>   \new Staff {
>     \clef bass
>     \key a \major
>     \grace { s16 e8 }
>     <e a, cis'>4
>   }
> >>
> or even
> \version "2.19.80"
> \new PianoStaff <<
>   \new Staff \relative e' {
>     \key a \major
>     \grace { e16 a cis }
>     e4
>   }
>   \new Staff {
>     \clef bass
>     \key a \major
>     \grace { s8 e8*1/2 }
>     <e a, cis'>4
>   }
> >>
> and maybe even
> \version "2.19.80"
> \new PianoStaff <<
>   \new Staff \relative e' {
>     \key a \major
>     \grace { e16*2/3 a cis }
>     e4
>   }
>   \new Staff {
>     \clef bass
>     \key a \major
>     \grace { s16 e8*1/2 }
>     <e a, cis'>4
>   }
> >>
> I think you get my drift. :-)
> Best
> Lukas
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