Thanks Malte, that was stupid of me. Improved MWE below. Andrew, this is just a shortcut in notation, developed when scores had to be handwritten. Writing it this way (as in bars 1 and 2) is a lot easier than the long version (bars 3 and 4). It doesn't seem to be used much in modern scores but was very prevalent in the the 1800s and earlier. When you see it in context you'd have no problem interpreting it.
All the best, Craig \version "2.19.82" \language "english" notes = \relative c'' { %1 \tuplet 3/2 2 { g2.:8 a2.:8 } | %2 \tuplet 3/2 2 { bf2.:8 bf2.:8 } | %3 \tuplet 3/2 4 { g8 g g g g g a a a a a a } | %4 \tuplet 3/2 4 { bf8 bf bf bf bf bf bf bf bf bf bf bf } | } \score { \new Staff \notes \layout { } } On Fri, 24 Aug 2018 at 20:58, Andrew Bernard <> wrote: > Hi Aaron and Craig, I understand that already. But why the obscure > notation is what I was asking. Surely it can be written clearly or more > explicitly? And if you feel it needed explaining to me, it's going to need > explaining to other players, isn't it Craig? > > Andrew > > > On Fri, 24 Aug 2018 at 17:39, Aaron Hill <> wrote: > >> >> >> Not OP, but I believe that notation means to play a sequence of single >> note tremolos, with the single slash indicating eighth-note >> subdivisions. So each dotted half is played as six eighth notes, >> following the specified tuplet timing. That is, think of `g2.:8` as `g8 >> 8 8 8 8 8`. >> >> _______________________________________________ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > -- *Craig Dabelstein* Maxime's Music * <>*
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