Hi  Craig, It's a legitimate warning but not an error because you cant draw
a bracket in this context really.

As a keyboard player who has recently taken up flute myself, I am compelled
to ask what you actually mean by this notation? To me it is not at all
clear, and in my engraving work, clarity for the reader is my prime
consideration at all times and in all contexts. Won't other players also be
confused? [I admit that this may be a common flute notation I have not got
up to yet.]

I'm aware that flute being incredibly expressive tends to encourage
composers to come up with scads of unique notation to express all the
wonderful things you can do with the flute and the breath. Is this one of
those cases?


On Fri, 24 Aug 2018 at 14:00, Craig Dabelstein <craig.dabelst...@gmail.com>

> In the following MWE I get this error: *omitting tuplet bracket with
> neither left nor right bound*
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