
2018-07-05 14:40 GMT+02:00 ********** <mark7one...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I'm writing my first score.
> Basically, I'm using a code example found in lilypond documentation and I'm
> doing some changes:
> \version 3.0.1


> \header {
>   title = ""
>   composer = ""
>   }
> #(define mydrums '(
>          (bassdrum        default   #f          -3)
>          (snare           default   #f          -1)
>          (sidestick       cross     #f          -1)
>          (closedhihat     cross     "stopped"    3)
>          (halfopenhihat   cross     "halfopen"   1)
>          (pedalhihat      xcircle   "stopped"    2)
>          (lowmidtom       diamond   #f           0)
>          (highmidtom      diamond   #f           2)))
> one = \drummode { \time 4/4 hhc4 hhc4 hhc4 hhc4 \time 2/4 hhc4 hhc4 \time
> 3/4 hhc4 }
> two = \drummode { bd r4 ss r4 bd r4 ss}
> three = \drummode { skip skip skip skip skip skip skip tommh tomml }
> four = \drummode { }
> \new DrumStaff <<
>   \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums)
>   \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \one }
>   \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \two }
>   \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \three }
>   \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \four }
> 1) At the third bar I had the first problem: the program can't place the
> toms in the right position and it can't visualize the diamond symbol.

please check what you've written before accusing the program ;)

`highmidtom` does not exists, it's `himidtom`

Then it works:

\version "2.19.82"

#(define mydrums '(
         (bassdrum        default   #f          -3)
         (snare           default   #f          -1)
         (sidestick       cross     #f          -1)
         (closedhihat     cross     "stopped"    3)
         (halfopenhihat   cross     "halfopen"   1)
         (pedalhihat      xcircle   "stopped"    2)
         (lowmidtom       diamond   #f           0)
         (himidtom        diamond   #f           2)))

one =
\drummode { \time 4/4 hhc4 hhc4 hhc4 hhc4 \time 2/4 hhc4 hhc4 \time 3/4 hhc4 }
two =
\drummode { bd r4 ss r4 bd r4 ss tommh tomml }

\new DrumStaff
  \with { drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums) }
    \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \one }
    \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \two }

> 2) I like this kind of syntax, with the 'mydrums' list, but probably there
> are more efficient ways to write down this score. Can you modify this one as
> an example to show me how you do it?
> Thanks.

You've already found the relevant sectio in the docs. There's an
LSR-snippet which you may study as well.


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