I'm writing my first score.
Basically, I'm using a code example found in lilypond documentation and I'm
doing some changes:

\version 3.0.1

\header {
  title = ""
  composer = ""

#(define mydrums '(
         (bassdrum        default   #f          -3)
         (snare           default   #f          -1)
         (sidestick       cross     #f          -1)
         (closedhihat     cross     "stopped"    3)
         (halfopenhihat   cross     "halfopen"   1)
         (pedalhihat      xcircle   "stopped"    2)
         (lowmidtom       diamond   #f           0)
         (highmidtom      diamond   #f           2)))

one = \drummode { \time 4/4 hhc4 hhc4 hhc4 hhc4 \time 2/4 hhc4 hhc4 \time
3/4 hhc4 }
two = \drummode { bd r4 ss r4 bd r4 ss}
three = \drummode { skip skip skip skip skip skip skip tommh tomml }
four = \drummode { }

\new DrumStaff <<
  \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums)
  \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \one }
  \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \two }
  \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \three }
  \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \four }

1) At the third bar I had the first problem: the program can't place the
toms in the right position and it can't visualize the diamond symbol.
2) I like this kind of syntax, with the 'mydrums' list, but probably there
are more efficient ways to write down this score. Can you modify this one
as an example to show me how you do it?

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