> ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: crimsonsunr...@protonmail.com > To: torsten.haemme...@web.de, "lilypond-user@gnu.org" < > lilypond-user@gnu.org> > Cc: > Bcc: > Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2018 20:24:17 -0400 > Subject: Re: \bookparts and scaling > -------- Mensagem Original -------- > Ativo 28 de jun de 2018 19:15, Torsten Hämmerle < torsten.haemme...@web.de> > escreveu: > > Flaming Hakama by Elaine wrote > > I was unfamiliar with the next one, which might do the trick: > > > > To set the staff size for a single score within a book, use > > layout-set-staff-size inside that score’s \layout block: > > > > \score { > > … > > \layout { > > #(layout-set-staff-size 14) > > } > > } > > > Hi Elaine, > > Yes, that's the way it should be done according to the documentation, but > the general concern is that this will considerably change the overall > spacing, see attached image: > > > > All the best, > Torsten > > ==================================== > > If you combine both, say, you do global-set-staff-size, then try to change > the size using layout-staff-size in something like a different book part, > that will only enlarge the fonts, notes, articulations and text. The staff > size will remain the same as what was set by global-set-staff-size. >
Good point, I did not notice that issue. In terms of a workaround, It seems like if only the book-level set-global-staff-size works, then the approach I'd suggest is to just build three books then use another tool to combine them, like the python-based PyPDF2. % File: example.ly \version "2.19.81" #(set-default-paper-size "a6") fluteI = { \repeat unfold 20 { c''8 e'' g'' e'' } \bar "|." } fluteII = { \repeat unfold 20 { c'4 g' } \bar "|." } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Score" \header { instrument = "Full Score" } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Fl. 1" } \fluteI \new Staff \with { instrumentName = "Fl. 2" } \fluteII >> } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Flute-1" \header { instrument = "Flute 1" } \score { \new Staff \fluteI } } \book { \bookOutputSuffix "Flute-2" \header { instrument = "Flute 2" } \score { \new Staff \fluteII } } %{ % Install python if you don't already have it... % Install PyPDF2 from https://github.com/mstamy2/PyPDF2 % let's assume at ~/PyPDF2 % From the command line, first run lilypond on your source file example.ly, $ lilypond example.ly % then run the pdfcat utiltity to combine the files $ python ~/PyPDF2/Scripts/pdfcat -o example.pdf example-Score.pdf example-Flute-1.pdf example-Flute-2.pdf %} HTH, Elaine Alt 415 . 341 .4954 "Confusion is highly underrated" ela...@flaminghakama.com Producer ~ Composer ~ Instrumentalist -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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