On Fri 29 Jun 2018 at 09:02:12 (-0400), crimsonsunr...@protonmail.com wrote:
> Ativo 29 de jun de 2018 06:55, Torsten Hämmerle escreveu:
> The documentation, unfortunately, has not been updated yet and still claims
> that the distance between lines didn't change:
> "*Known issues and warnings*
> layout-set-staff-size does not change the distance between the staff lines."

> Which is why I stated before that the documentation lies to the user.

It's not very productive to say that any documentation that goes out
of date (as so much does) is "lying". That word implies a deliberate
attempt to deceive.

> Moreso, these functions shouldn't even have similar names. As that single 
> line at the end states, layout-staff-size doesn't change the distance between 
> staff lines, so you're not resizing the staff completely. Why that is the 
> case and why it was implemented that way is anybody's guess.

That's why the line appears under the heading "Known issues and warnings".

You seem to think that a large software project should just
miraculously appear, fully formed and perfect, with precise,
comprehensive documentation. Unfortunately, software is more
like a work of art that has to be sculpted into perfection,
which takes time, trouble and effort.


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