On 17/06/18 19:03, Shachar Shemesh wrote:
On 17/06/18 07:51, Carl Sorensen wrote:
This turns out to be a quite challenging snippet to engrave.
I'm sorry, it seems that my challenges are not over :-(
You can read more about using hidden notes to make ties span voices here:
It is an interesting technique, but it has one major problem: The
actual notes are wrong. The hidden note isn't rendered to the output,
but it is present and played.
Here's another solution without any hidden notes.
\version "2.19.81"
\relative c'' {
\time 2/4 \key aes\major
\new Voice {
g!16 <bes des>8. ges16 <c ees>8 des16 ~ |
\once \override Flag.style=#'no-flag \once \stemDown des8 s8
\new Voice {
g,!4 ges8. f16 ~ |
f8 f'16 des
ees16 f aes, a |
Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.
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