Hi Sachar, Hi Carl,

How about :

\relative c'' {
  \time 2/4 \key aes\major
    g16 <bes des>8.  ges16 <c ees>8 des16~ |
    \stemNeutral <f, des'>8 f'16 des ees f aes, a |
    g4 ges8. f16~ |
    \once\hideNotes f4 s


2018-06-17 6:51 GMT+02:00 Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu>:

> This turns out to be a quite challenging snippet to engrave.
> Here's the first attempt:
> \version "2.18"
>  \partcombine
>     \relative {\time 2/4 \key aes\major g'16 <bes des>8.  ges16 <c ees>8
> des16~ | des8 f16 des ees f aes, a |}
>     \relative {\time 2/4 \key aes\major g'4
>  \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn  \partcombineApart   ges8.  f16~     |   f8 }
> As you can see, this preserves the tie, but doesn't start the second
> measure with a chord.
> Well, let's make it have a chord.
> \version "2.18"
>  \partcombine
>     \relative {\time 2/4 \key aes\major g'16 <bes des>8.  ges16 <c ees>8
> des16~ | des8 f16 des ees f aes, a |}
>     \relative {\time 2/4 \key aes\major g'4
>  \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn  \partcombineApart   ges8.  f16~     |
> \partcombineChords f8 }
> Now the tie goes away, and we get a warning message: "Unterminated tie"
> The problem is that the partcombiner makes four voices: "one", "two",
> "shared", and  "solo".  So the \partcombineApart music goes into voices
> "one" and "two", and the \partcombineChords music goes into voice "shared",
> and ties don't cross voices.  So that means you will have to create some
> hidden notes in the voice "shared", and start the tie from those notes.  In
> this case, it was fine to have the note heads, but I needed to hide the
> stem and the flag.
> \version "2.18"
>  <<
>     \new Voice = "shared" \relative {s4 s8.  \once \override Stem.stencil
> = ##f  \once \override Flag.stencil = ##f <f' des'>16~ |}
>  \partcombine
>     \relative {\time 2/4 \key aes\major g'16 <bes des>8.  ges16 <c ees>8
> des16 | des8 f16 des ees f aes, a |}
>     \relative {\time 2/4 \key aes\major g'4
>  \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn  \partcombineApart   ges8.  f16     |
> \partcombineChords f8 }
>  >>
> You can read more about using hidden notes to make ties span voices here:
> http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=8
> I hope this helps.
> Carl
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