On 2018-06-04 06:33, Ursus wrote:
It seems the most simple way to get what I need is continuing the first and second voice for a bar filling the first voice with the notes I need like
thus and placing an invisible rest the second voice.

r2 r4 << { b~ | b8 b c d e f4.~ | f4. e8 r2 | } \\ { f4~ | f2 r | s1 |} >>

Although this can get a bit wonky with stemdirections for the upper voice, it seems the invissible rest does force the stems up (even with a \stemdown

Not quite satisfied yet

The implicit \voiceOne and \voiceTwo will change stem direction defaults. You just need to reset that by explicitly going back to a single voice:

  \version "2.19.81"
  \relative b' {
    r2 r4
    << { b4~ | b8 b c d e f4.~ | \oneVoice f4. }
    \\ { f,4~ | f2 r | s4. } >>
    e'8 r2 |

NOTE: I've included a little more markup here so the example is both complete and minimal.

-- Aaron Hill

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