2018-05-27 17:42 GMT+02:00 Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com>:
> On 2018-05-27 06:10, foxfanfare wrote:
>> Thomas Morley-2 wrote
>>> Is this significant different from what you see?
>> Unfortunately, yes!
>> <http://lilypond.1069038.n5.nabble.com/file/t5604/blocnote.png>
> For reference, what you are seeing is a line endings issue.  Windows'
> Notepad has always been famously and notoriously bad in this regard, as it
> only supports the carriage-return/line-feed (CRLF) combination for
> delimiting lines.  Lilypond comes from the *nix world that typically uses
> only a single line-feed, and all of the source files are written this way.
> As such, it just looks like all of the lines run together.
> Most modern text editors are more aware of cross-platform issues and
> alternate encodings, so they will detect line endings and render
> appropriately.  For example, Notepad++ [1] is a great choice on Windows, if
> you want a more featured but still relatively lightweight editor.  And while
> Visual Studio Code [2] is my editor of choice these days, I still keep
> Notepad++ around as it is lightyears ahead of the ancient and decrepit
> Notepad.
> [1]: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/
> [2]: https://code.visualstudio.com/
> -- Aaron Hill

Hi Aaron,

every now and then I'm looking for an alternative to jEdit.

Thus I've read a bit on the visualstudio home-page.
I stumbled upon
"VS Code collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft to help improve
our products and services." [1]
Well, you can disable it, yes.
But why is it the default? For me a nogo.

Ok, a lot software does things like that (I hate it there as well),
I'll will not download another one, though.


[1]: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/supporting/faq

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