foxfanfare <> writes:

> Hi everyone,
> Is there a way to define the size of the small notes (\grace \appoggiatura
> \acciaccatura)?
> It seems the default size is something like 0.6% of the full size

That would be a challenge to play.

> but I wonder if it is possible to set something different? I can't see
> any property in the internal references for that!

The graceSettings context property.


\new Voice \with
      (lambda (grob)
        #{ $(add-grace-property 'Voice grob 'font-size 3) #})
     '(Stem Flag NoteHead Dots Accidental))
  #(add-grace-property 'Voice 'Stem 'length-fraction 1.4)
  \appoggiatura { g'8 } c'1
Admittedly, the "map" call is not saving a lot of typing over 5 separate
add-grace-property calls.  It's for the principle of the thing...

David Kastrup
lilypond-user mailing list

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