Hi Urs,

that looks very good!
I was desperately looking for something like this most of yesterday ...

Thank you, I'm sure this will help me a lot.

Am 27.05.18 um 11:53 schrieb Urs Liska:
Hi Robert,

you may have a look at https://scheme-book.ursliska.de

It is *far* from complete and significantly less authoritative than the other resources, but it is explicitly written with LilyPond in mind and with efforts to overcome exactly these understanding obstacles (I wrote that when my recollection of the struggle was quite fresh).


Am 27. Mai 2018 11:49:16 MESZ schrieb Robert Schmaus <robert.schm...@web.de>:

    Thanks Aaron,

    it's rather on-topic I guess. Or rather: I'm afraid.

    In your first link, there's a sample chapter of "The Little Schemer"
    available. You'd think that they would put something up that's acutally
    helpful at getting the idea of Scheme and/or that book. And maybe that
    even was their intention! But ... can you make any sense of this?


    I certainly can't.

    I guess my problem is: Scheme seems to be a very nice intellectual
    exercise. I'm sure it's very elegant and - ultimately - very powerful
    (as I can see in the snippet repository) but it's also very unlike
    everything that's used normally. But Scheme is near impossible to read
    and therefore also to write.

    There was a discussion about Scheme vs other languages a couple of years
    back. I can't find the start of that thread, but this is part of it:


      From that thread, I take away the comfort that I'm not the only one
    with Scheme-problems.
    Now, I can live with that - most of the times I don't have to customise
    anything anyway. It's just, that with Scheme, I know, I'll never get
    into it, too.

    Ok, thanks again for the references. I think for now, I simply stay
    within the "out of the box" Lilypond limits. I'd have to invest hours of
    learning Scheme - that's not an option for the near future, I'm afraid.


    Am 27.05.18 um 07:19 schrieb Aaron Hill:

        On 2018-05-26 06:15, Robert Schmaus wrote:

            so far, I was completely satisfied with out-of-the box
            lilypond and
            rarely used anything involving scheme. Mainly because, I
            find this
            language very counter-intuitive, but that's maybe because I
            code in
            C-like languages all the time.

        Hi Robert,

        This is probably a little off-topic, but you might want to look at
        picking up a copy of "The Little Schemer" [1].  It's based on the
        earlier work, "The Little LISPer", which takes a very novel
        approach to
        teaching a programming language.  Another learning resource is
        "How To
        Design Programs" [2] along with Dr. Racket [3].  (Racket is the
        name and release of PLT Scheme.)

        [1]: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/matthias/BTLS/
        [2]: http://www.htdp.org/
        [3]: http://download.racket-lang.org/

        -- Aaron Hill


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