> On 30 Apr 2018, at 21:47, Malte Meyn <lilyp...@maltemeyn.de> wrote:
> Am 30.04.2018 um 21:32 schrieb Hans Åberg:
>> One has to adapt the pitch on every note played, and the reference is 
>> typically the string section, which in turn is tuned in Pythagorean,
> Many string players tune their perfect fifths a bit small so that they’re 
> near to equal temperament (700 ct) or even smaller instead of just (702 ct).

So how do they tune their violins? And why would an orchestra do this: it 
increases the beats in the chords.

>> but can adapt into 5-limit Just Intonation if the music played follows the 
>> Traditional Harmony rules.
> They could, yes. But I think that most intonation in choir and orchestra is 
> not just intonation but more or less an approximation; for example leading 
> notes are often played higher than just because they have more of the leading 
> character then. And just intonation has other problems that make it 
> impractical.

It is adaptive JI: If pivoting the chord sequence C F Dm G C, it slips a 
syntonic comma. So the orchestra must slide the pitch somewhere. Sounds 
terrible on music like organs, though.

>> That becomes more difficult in distant keys.
> Why should it? Just intonation works in every key.

Because there is no reference to the Pythagorean notes.

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