Hello Lukas,

Thanks for your answer.

In fact, it not the interval name, but the note such as B double flat that 
concerns me currently.

Do I get it right that this is key-independent too for the diminished fifth of 
E flat?


> Le 29 avr. 2018 à 18:41, Lukas-Fabian Moser <l...@gmx.de> a écrit :
> Jacques,
>> Say I’m considering chords with an E flat root.
>> Is is always true that:
>>      - the diminished fifth is B double flat
>>      - the augmented fifth is B natural
>>      - the diminished unisson is E double flat
>>      - the augmented unisson is E natural
>> or can this depend on the tonality of the music that contains these Eb based 
>> chords, say D major, in which case enharmonic notes should be used instead?
> I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly. If your question is 
> (regardless of Lilypond) whether interval names are "key-independent" then: 
> yes, they are. (There are contexts in historic music, mainly thorough-bass, 
> where the figure 5 means "a fifth of whatever size it happens to be in the 
> current tonality". But there, the point is that "5" means "fifth", not 
> "perfect fifth".)
> If your question focuses on which note should be _notated_: well, that's a 
> different story (and a matter for the composer to decide, not the engraver). 
> It depends heavily on style and origin of the music, the instrument etc. For 
> instance, it's quite common to use "wrong" enharmonic spellings for 
> transposing woodwinds to get easier notation.
> Best
> Lukas
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