Hi Trevor (and David),

Am 20.03.2018 um 15:54 schrieb Trevor:
Hi Urs, you wrote 20/03/2018 11:32:30

I've come across the need to temporarily split lyrics into two "stanzas" (in repeated sections). The code I am confronted with does this by using some kind of polyphony construct, but this ends up creating a new \Lyrics context that is added below the lowest staff instead of directly below the original Lyrics context:

How can I make sure the split lyrics end up next to each other?

There is a nuisance with the second associated lyric voice starting too late, so you have to compensate somehow, perhaps like this:

\version "2.19.80"

notesA = \relative {
  c'' d e d | c8 [ b ] c  d  c4 g

notesB = \relative {
  c' d e d | c b c e

words = \lyricmode {
  A B C
      D e -- f g
    \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "LyricsA" }
      \lyricsto "upper" { E -- F G }
  C  G

\score {
    \new Staff \new Voice = "upper" \notesA
    \new Lyrics = "LyricsA" \lyricsto "upper" \words
    \new Staff \new Voice = "lower" \notesB


Thank you, this gets me on the right track (although I'll have to think if I can nicely integrate this in the infrastructure so the editor doesn't have to add the low-level code in the actual content file).

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