On Tue 20 Mar 2018 at 12:32:30 (+0100), Urs Liska wrote:
> Hi,
> I've come across the need to temporarily split lyrics into two
> "stanzas" (in repeated sections).
> The code I am confronted with does this by using some kind of
> polyphony construct, but this ends up creating a new \Lyrics context
> that is added below the lowest staff instead of directly below the
> original Lyrics context:
> %%%
> \version "2.19.80"
> notesA = \relative {
>   \autoBeamOff
>   c'' d e d | c8 [ b ] c  d  c4 g
> }
> notesB = \relative {
>   c' d e d | c b c e
> }
> words = \lyricmode {
>   A B C D
>   <<
>     {
>       e -- f g
>     }
>     \new Lyrics {
>       E F G
>     }
>   >>
>   C  G
> }
> \score {
>   <<
>     \new Staff \new Voice = "upper" \notesA
>     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "upper" \words
>     \new Staff \new Voice = "lower" \notesB
>   >>
> }
> %%%
> How can I make sure the split lyrics end up next to each other?

I think you have to name your Staff contexts and use, eg,
 \with { alignAboveContext = bottom }

However, that doesn't seem to get you out of the woods. You also need
\lyricsto to get the X-alignment of melismas sorted, and once I tried
adding that, I ran into difficulties with the new lyrics being one
step late. (I don't know if this has any connection with that oddity of
\set associatedVoice where you always have to switch voices one
syllable earlier for it to work properly.)


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