It's much easier to help if you send the .ly file, not only the resulting output.
Thorkil Wolvendans wrote:
Hi group,
I'm typesetting a piece for piano, in which the righthand has most of the time a different timesignature than the lefthand. This works great by chaning the timing_engraver from the score_context to the staff_context, but the problem is this:
the default bartype is dotted, but when the the two staves have the same timesignature, the bartype changes to normal. I change the bartype in both staves manually, which works in the upperstaff but the lowerstaff doesn't stays dotted.
Is this a bug or my fault? I attached a file wihich illustrates the problem.
BTW: I work with lily 2.2.2 on cygwin.
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