At 13:24 3-1-05, you wrote:
It's much easier to help if you send the .ly file, not only the
resulting output.

but of course.
The piano piece I was typesetting has become a work for two piano's instead of one.
The excerpt below essentially has the same problem as I had before but now spread over two piano's.
The difference here is that both piano's occasionally have double barlines, but the double barlines of Piano 2 are visible in the Piano1-part, and not in the part of Piano 2, where the barline belongs.

I can't send the complete file due copyright reasons, but I think this excerpt is sufficient.

Kind regards,


i = \relative c'{
\time 1/4
\repeat unfold 8 {f16 as d as}\bar"||"
\repeat unfold 6 {f a c d}} %here is no \bar"||" written, yet displayed

ii = \relative c'{
\time 1/4
\repeat unfold 14 {c16 e g e}}

iii = \relative c''{
\time 7/16
\repeat unfold 8 {c,16[ e gis] c,[ e gis] es}\bar"||"} %this doulbe barline is placed in the Piano1-part!

iiii = \relative c''{
\time 7/16
\repeat unfold  8 {g16[ a b] c[ g a] b}

pianoi = {
        \context PianoStaff <<
     \set PianoStaff.instrument = "Piano I  "
        \context Staff = "right" <<
    \context Staff = "left" <<
pianoii = {
        \context PianoStaff <<
     \set PianoStaff.instrument = "Piano II  "
        \context Staff = "right" <<
    \context Staff = "left" <<

\score {
  \context StaffGroup = Pianos <<
        \context PianoStaff = "pianoi" <<
        \set PianoStaff.instr = "I "
        \context PianoStaff = "pianoii" <<
        \set PianoStaff.instr = "II  "
            \remove "Timing_engraver"
            \consists "Timing_engraver"

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