Thank you for your feedback Stefano!
I merged some code, which was pending quite some time. There was an
issue with the first moment inside a context that is fixed now, *but* in
your example it does not work (yet). This was quite tricky to track
down: If you create a new Voice inside a new Voice on the first moment,
but after some zero-length event (like clef) Voice creation and engraver
initialization seems to be disturbed - in all voices.
I'll try to track that down, when time allows!
Your same example works, if you write
\new Voice = "implied" << \clef F << ... >> >>
that is, you replace the surrounding braces { } with << >> so that the
clef-event appears simultaneously with the new Voices.
I attach the modified version.
P.S.: If something is messed up with after the merge, please let me know
Am 26.01.2018 um 22:41 schrieb Stefano Troncaro:
Thank you Noeck.
Your explanation makes sense and I feel it might be close to explaining
the issue, although in the log it appears as though the edition-engraver
only sees two voices, not three, thus refering to them as Voice.B and
Voice.C instead of A and B doesn't work either.
Most intriguing to me is that if I explicitly create the voices as you
showed, so that no voices are created implicitly, like here:
\new Staff \with { \editionID LH} { \new Voice ="Implied" { \clef F << \new Voice
="LH_A" \relative c'{ \clef F \voiceOne e8 d c4 d8 c b4 | c8 b a2 g4 } \new Voice
="LH_B" \relative c{ \voiceTwo f2 e | d g,4 c |} >> } }
Then I can't tweak the first note of either "LH_A" or "LH_B", but I
/can/ tweak any of the following notes.
Anyways, at least now I can use a structure that works properly, which
was the intent behind my original question. Although I'm still curious
as to what is the reasoning behind this behavior, it is clear that it
far exceeds my (lack of) understanding of the inner workings of
Lilypond. So it's unlikely I'll be able to find an explanation on my
own. If someone finds it I'll be more than grateful to hear it!
I attached the full example of what I described above in case it is
useful to someone.
To the openlilylib guys, since I'll be learning to use your tools, tell
me if I can be of use somehow.
2018-01-26 16:07 GMT-03:00 Noeck <
Hi Stefano,
if you write
{ \clef F <<
as in your file <>
you have this in your Staff
context: \clef F and then afterwards two voices at the same time.
More explicitly, your code is interpreted as somthing like:
\new Staff {
\new Voice { \clef F
\new Voice ...
\new Voice ...
The \clef F can not be without bottom context so a Voice context is
created automatically. This is your voice A but it does not contain
Your explicit voices are probably named B and C (I have not checked) so
you can address them via B and C.
Or you can put the clef inside the first explicit voice which is then A
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\version "2.19.80"
\language "english"
\include "oll-core/package.ily"
\loadPackage edition-engraver
\addEdition test
%When the voice with the \clef F is created explicitly, sub-voices appear to be inaccessible on the first note of the first bar
\editionMod test 1 0/4 Piano.LH.Voice.B { \once \override NoteHead.color = #green }
\editionMod test 1 0/4 Piano.LH.Voice.C { \once \override NoteHead.color = #green }
%Yet they are accessible later
\editionMod test 1 1/8 Piano.LH.Voice.B { \once \override NoteHead.color = #green }
\editionMod test 1 2/4 Piano.LH.Voice.C { \once \override NoteHead.color = #green }
\consistToContexts #edition-engraver Score.PianoStaff.Staff.Voice
\score {
\new PianoStaff \with { \editionID Piano } <<
\new Staff \with { \editionID RH } <<
\new Voice = "RH_A" \relative c'' { \voiceOne c4. d8 d4. g8 | e4.( d8 c b g4) }
\new Voice = "RH_B" \relative c'' { \voiceTwo a2. g4~ | g f2 e4 | }
\new Dynamics { s1\mp }
\new Staff \with { \editionID LH } {
\new Voice = "Implied" <<
\clef F <<
\new Voice = "LH_A" \relative c' { \clef F \voiceOne e8 d c4 d8 c b4 | c8 b a2 g4 }
\new Voice = "LH_B" \relative c { \voiceTwo f2 e | d g,4 c | }
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