Hello Stefano,

I can't reproduce the misbehaviour/error you mentioned first. The overrides are applied irrespective of the clefs placement. If the error persists, you might send the <document>.edition.log file.

To reduce the redundancy you mentioned you can create variables:

LH = Piano.LH
RH = Piano.RH

Then you can use them like this:

\editionMod test 1 0/4 \RH.Voice.A { ... }

Internally the modifications are stored in a hierarchically structured manner before the targets are known. Thet is the reason the full path is needed.


Am 25.01.2018 um 23:35 schrieb Stefano Troncaro:
Hello everyone! So, I'm learning to use the edition-engraver, but there are some behaviors that I can't figure out.

Take the following snippet:

    \version  "2.19.80" \language  "english" \include  "oll-core/package.ily" 
\loadPackage  edition-engraver

    \addEdition  test

    \editionMod  test1 0/4  RH.Voice.A{ \once \override  NoteHead.color  = 
#green } \editionMod  test1 0/4  LH.Voice.A{ \once \override  NoteHead.color  = 
#green } \consistToContexts  #edition-engraver Score.PianoStaff.Staff.Voice

    \score  { \new  PianoStaff  << \new  Staff  \with  {  \editionID  RH} << \new  Voice  \relative  
c''{  \voiceOne  c4.  d8  d4.  g8  | e4.(  d8  c b g4)  } \new  Voice  \relative  c''{  \voiceTwo  a2.  g4~  | g f2 
 e4  |} >> \new  Dynamics  {  s1\mp  } \new  Staff  \with  {  \editionID  LH} { << \new  Voice  
\relative  c'{  \clef  F  \voiceOne  e8  d c4 d8  c b4  | c8  b a2  g4  |} \new  Voice  \relative  c{  \voiceTwo  
f2  e | d g,4  c |} >> } >> }

In the left hand staff, if I move the \clef F from inside one of the two voices to the outside, like in the following example:

    \new  Staff  \with  {  \editionID  LH} {  \clef  F  << \new  Voice  \relative  
c'{  \voiceOne  e8  d c4 d8  c b4  | c8  b a2  g4  |} \new  Voice  \relative  c{  \voiceTwo 
 f2  e | d g,4  c |} >> }

then I can't find a way to reference the voices contained in the Staff. Why does this happen?

Secondly, if I give an \editionID to the PianoStaff, then I can only reference the staves by giving a full route. For example, if I gave it the ID Piano I would have to write Piano.LH.Voice.A to reference the first voice. Is there a way to avoid this redundancy?

In relation with the last question, I have tried and I can't figure out how to give an ID to a Voice context so that I can reference it directly, without having to "walk to it" from a reference to a Staff. Is this possible?

Those are all my doubts, at least for the moment. Thank you in advance!

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