2018-01-08 6:31 GMT+01:00 Hugh S. Myers <hsmy...@gmail.com>:
> 'OS that is not Windows'…so you are saying to hell with 7 out of 10 users?
> Well, that's one way to cut down on all that annoying customer noise!
> --hsm
> p.s. I write multi-platform modules for CPAN and yes it is a great deal of
> extra work but it is pretty much 'the right thing to do'…

Let me quote a little more from https://github.com/hacklily/hacklily README

Running locally


You need:

Node -- tested with Node 7, earlier versions may or may not also work
Qt 5 -- with qmake in your path (installing using the version from
Qt's website is recommended on macOS)
an OS that is not Windows (if you make it work, please contribute your fix!)

Sounds a little different, doesn't it?


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