On Tue 12 Dec 2017 at 22:00:47 (-0500), Shane Brandes wrote:
> Frescobaldi has a neat little tool to convert from relative to absolute pitch.

… and AIUI the same tool is available as a standalone in ly,
aka python-ly/python3-ly/….

> I prefer relative as a pitch entry for ease and speed.
> Kieran is correct relative pitch entry can cause headaches if you
> start doing manipulations on stuff.

Agreed; if definitions like

foo = \relative { stuff in notemode ... }

are used, then \foo can be used in complicated constructions
in safety, because its contents are absolute.

Putting \relative { } around \score or tagged constructions
containing non-absolute pitches is a recipe for obfuscation.
That's a criticism of the coder, not of LP's syntax.


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