Am 21.07.2017 um 10:00 schrieb Knut Petersen:
Hi everybody!
To generate score videos like Bach: Invention 1
<>, Wolf: Resignation
<> and Peterson-Berger: I Fyrreskoven
that give a different color to notes and rest while they are active you might
use the attached files if
you run a unixoid system like linux.
mkvideo-lily-diff contains changes to an installed version of lilypond (tested
with 2.19.65, but it also
should work with much older versions).
Because of recent changes to framework-ps.scm an updated diff is needed. Use
the attached file instead of mkvideo-lily-diff versions of lilypond containing
Commit 398c2e17d45bf4d18723e14d52531e4e7d006dea
Author: Knut Petersen <>
Date: Tue Oct 3 15:05:56 2017 +0100
Adapt lilypond to ghostscript 9.22, change command line options [...]
That means: Use it for e.g. lilypond 2.21.x, current git master.
diff -U 4 scm/framework-ps.scm scmvid/framework-ps.scm
--- scm/framework-ps.scm 2017-10-23 00:09:21.286200000 +0200
+++ scmvid/framework-ps.scm 2017-11-06 08:14:22.160854215 +0100
@@ -101,9 +101,14 @@
(output-entry "page-width" 'paper-width)
(if (ly:get-option 'strokeadjust) "true setstrokeadjust\n" "")
+;; [mkvideo] This version of dump-page is extended for mkvideo.
+;; As long as null? videopagelist is true nothing changes.
(define (dump-page outputter page page-number page-count landscape?)
+ (let* (
+ (ml (assoc page-number videopagelist))
+ (rep? (and (not (null? videopagelist)) (if (pair? ml) (not (null? (cdr
ml))) #f))))
(format #f "%%Page: ~a ~a\n" page-number page-number)
@@ -112,11 +117,18 @@
"page-width output-scale lily-output-units mul mul 0 translate 90
+ (format #f (if rep? "/lilypage {\n" ""))
"gsave 0 paper-height translate set-ps-scale-to-lily-scale\n"))
(ly:outputter-dump-stencil outputter page)
- (ly:outputter-dump-string outputter "stroke grestore\nshowpage\n"))
+ (ly:outputter-dump-string outputter "stroke grestore\nshowpage\n")
+ (if rep? (list
+ (ly:outputter-dump-string outputter (format #f "} def 1 "))
+ (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
+ ((>= i (length (cdr ml))))
+ (ly:outputter-dump-string outputter (format #f "~a " (list-ref (cdr ml)
+ (ly:outputter-dump-string outputter (format #f " { /MkVidTime exch def
MkVidTime 1 eq { exit } if lilypage } loop\n" ))))))
(define (supplies-or-needs paper load-fonts?)
(define (extract-names font)
(if (ly:pango-font? font)
diff -U 4 scm/output-lib.scm scmvid/output-lib.scm
--- scm/output-lib.scm 2017-10-23 00:10:15.753555000 +0200
+++ scmvid/output-lib.scm 2017-11-06 07:59:38.826857643 +0100
@@ -706,13 +706,14 @@
;; Color
+;; [mkvideo] This version of color? does _not_ check that
+;; r, g and b are in the range [0.0 .. 1.0]!
(define-public (color? x)
(and (list? x)
(= 3 (length x))
- (every number? x)
- (every (lambda (y) (<= 0 y 1)) x)))
+ (every number? x)))
(define-public (rgb-color r g b) (list r g b))
;; predefined colors
diff -U 4 scm/output-ps.scm scmvid/output-ps.scm
--- scm/output-ps.scm 2017-10-23 00:09:21.286200000 +0200
+++ scmvid/output-ps.scm 2017-11-06 07:59:38.830857600 +0100
@@ -204,10 +204,11 @@
(ly:format "~4l draw_round_box"
(list width height x y blotdiam))))
;; save current color on stack and set new color
+;; [mkvideo] This version of setcolor extends the precision
(define (setcolor r g b)
- (ly:format "gsave ~4l setrgbcolor\n"
+ (ly:format "gsave ~9l setrgbcolor\n"
(list r g b)))
;; restore color from stack
(define (resetcolor) "grestore\n")
diff -U 4 scm/paper.scm scmvid/paper.scm
--- scm/paper.scm 2017-08-19 07:52:05.563096000 +0200
+++ scmvid/paper.scm 2017-11-06 07:59:38.830857600 +0100
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@
;; for define-safe-public when byte-compiling using Guile V2
(use-modules (scm safe-utility-defs))
+(define-public videopagelist '())
(define-public (set-paper-dimension-variables mod)
(module-define! mod 'dimension-variables
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