Hello Daniel,

Maybe you have \score blocks or the like in the .ly files you include?


> Le 5 nov. 2017 à 02:33, Daniel Mehdizadeh <dmehd...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> I've been trying to figure out how to creat parts and use them to compile an 
> orchestral score. I've finally made some sense of it all however am facing 
> one problem:
> I've successfully created some random parts: horn, violin, flute and trumpet 
> and they all have this layout:
> \version "2.19.80"
> \header {
>   instrument = "flute"
> }
> fluteNotes = \relative c' {
>   \time 2/4
>   r4 des
>   bes2
>   \time 5/8
>   des8 c2
> }
> \score {
>  { \fluteNotes} 
> }
> Now I've been trying to \include these part files in a score, and I was 
> successful, however the score prints all the parts as a separate line or 
> movement AND again it re-prints it together just like a score. So what I end 
> up with is the flute part printed and next system with quite some space in 
> between the next part and so on, then under all of it the score is printed. 
> How can I just have the score? This is my score:
> \version "2.19.80"
> \include "Horn_Part.ly"
> \include "Violin_Part.ly"
> \include "flute_part.ly <http://flute_part.ly/>"
> \include "trumpet_part.ly <http://trumpet_part.ly/>"
> \score {
> <<
>   \new Staff \hornNotes
>   \new Staff \violinNotes
>   \new Staff \fluteNotes
>   \new Staff \trumpetNotes
> >>
> }
> \header {
>   title = "Test"
>   instrument = "Orchestra"
>   tagline = ##f
>   piece = \markup \smallCaps {"Score"}
> }
> Hope this makes sense. Thanks!
> Daniel
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