I've been trying to figure out how to creat parts and use them to compile an orchestral score. I've finally made some sense of it all however am facing one problem: I've successfully created some random parts: horn, violin, flute and trumpet and they all have this layout:
\version "2.19.80" \header { instrument = "flute" } fluteNotes = \relative c' { \time 2/4 r4 des bes2 \time 5/8 des8 c2 } \score { { \fluteNotes} } Now I've been trying to \include these part files in a score, and I was successful, however the score prints all the parts as a separate line or movement AND again it re-prints it together just like a score. So what I end up with is the flute part printed and next system with quite some space in between the next part and so on, then under all of it the score is printed. How can I just have the score? This is my score: \version "2.19.80" \include "Horn_Part.ly" \include "Violin_Part.ly" \include "flute_part.ly" \include "trumpet_part.ly" \score { << \new Staff \hornNotes \new Staff \violinNotes \new Staff \fluteNotes \new Staff \trumpetNotes >> } \header { title = "Test" instrument = "Orchestra" tagline = ##f piece = \markup \smallCaps {"Score"} } Hope this makes sense. Thanks! Daniel
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