Ben <> writes:

> Thank you so much for sharing this function. It will come in handy for
> a project I'll be working on shortly.
> However, I had one question for you.
> I just went to try to use the function 'as is' and I'm seeing an
> error. I cannot use the function at the moment.
> Do you know what this means, and how I can fix it?
> (I just simply copied and pasted it into Frescobaldi and attempted to
> use it - no tweaks)
> Thanks!
> /  Drawing systems...//
> //    line:31 32:15: In procedure memoization in expression (let* (# #
> # ...) (ly:grob-set-property! grob # ...))//
> //*    Bad binding parts in expression*//(let* ((dir (ly:grob-property
> grob (quote direction))) (padding 1) (thickness 0.25) (left-ext (car
> extra-length)) (right-ext (cdr extra-length)) (path-part-len (/ (- 
> spanner-len text-len) 2)) (path-left-part-stil (make-path-stencil
> (quasiquote (moveto (unquote #) (unquote #) lineto (unquote #) 0
> lineto (unquote path-part-len) 0)) thickness 1 1 #f))
> (path-right-part-stil (make-path-stencil (quasiquote (moveto (unquote
> #) (unquote #) lineto (unquote #) 0 lineto 0 0)) thickness 1 1 #f))
> parts (full-stil (stack-            stencils X RIGHT padding (list
> path-left-part-stil (centered-stencil text-stil)
> path-right-part-stil)))) (ly:grob-set-property! grob (quote stencil)
> full-stil)).......etc............./

Two comment lines were wrapped in the mail and thus the end of them
became a non-comment.

David Kastrup

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