---- On Sat, 28 Oct 2017 13:55:49 +0800 Nathan Ho <nat...@snappizz.com> wrote 
> On 2017-10-27 21:37, James Harkins wrote: 
> > I couldn't find this quickly: for an unmetered section, I'd like to 
> > indicate duration by tuplet-style brackets, only not a tuplet (no 
> > change to note durations) and with arbitrary text markup in the 
> > middle...
> you can hijack an ordinary tuplet by setting the duration ratio to 1/1  
> and modifying the text: 

Nathan? *blinks* Of course there is some overlap between the LilyPond and 
SuperCollider communities ;)

That's a neat trick, to use a tuplet like that -- I'll give it a try. 
Otherwise, Andrew's approach looks good too.

I've got one more question -- separate question, separate thread.

BTW all this is for a new piece that will be premiered in San Diego this coming 
Thursday, on a recital of modern pieces for the khaen. The khaen is a free-reed 
mouth organ from Laos and northeast Thailand. My friend and grad school 
colleague Chris Adler has been playing and writing for the instrument for, oh, 
20 years now.

Thursday, November 2, 7:30 p.m.
USD: University of San Diego
Founders Chapel
5998 Alcala Park, San Diego

My piece is engraved in LilyPond, with electronics in SuperCollider. (I'm only 
cleaning up the notation of the electronic cues now -- the khaen music is 
already in Chris's hands.)

If you live within easy driving distance, this will be well worth the effort.


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