2017-10-05 10:56 GMT+02:00 James Harkins <jamshar...@zoho.com>:
> Hi, been away for awhile.
> I'm now writing for khaen, a Thai mouth organ. Fascinating instrument. 
> Notation is usually single-staff and heavily multi-voiced.
> One nut I never cracked in LilyPond: how to tie a note from one Voice to 
> another, e.g.
> \new Score {
>   \new Staff <<
>     \numericTimeSignature \time 2/4  % barline, so E must be tied
>     \new Voice \relative c' {
>       \voiceOne <e g>2 a8 g4.
>     }
>     \new Voice \relative c' {
>       \voiceTwo r4 f4 ~ <e f>2
>     }
>   >>
> }
> I need a tie from the e in <e g>2 (voice 1) to the e in <e f>2 (voice 2).
> How to restructure this to make it possible?
> Thanks.
> hjh


\new Score {
  \new Staff {
    \numericTimeSignature \time 2/4  % barline, so E must be tied
    \new Voice = "xy" \relative c' {
      \set tieWaitForNote = ##t
      <e g>2~
    \context Voice = "xy" \relative c' {
      s4 \voiceTwo f4 ~ <e f>2
    \new Voice { r4 s4 a'8 g'4. }
    \unset tieWaitForNote


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