Mats Bengtsson wrote:
The list of "Too many errors!" usually appears if you haven't upgraded to a very new version of texinfo. However, it only affects the documentation, so as long as you use the documentation on the web, make followed by make install should provide a perfectly useful installation.
This is interesting and probably very useful information. However, when I tried to build 2.4.2 on Suse 9.1 I had upgraded texinfo to the newest that could be found as source code. And this "Too many errors!" thing appeared also after succesful ./configure when plain 'make' was tried. So I rolled backwards and found out that still some packages that were needed for building the actual lilypond application were missing. So I installed the missing packages and after that the building and installing went OK. So in this case it seemed to me it was not question about documentation. (Only my humble view, but the situation discribed in the original message seemed familiar, so... ;-) )
Tapio Tuovila wrote:
LinuxChiq wrote:
I am trying to build Lilypond 2.4.2 on Suse 9.1. I have gotten ./configure to
complete without errors, but when I make all it bails with a long list of
Too many errors! Gave up.
I don't see an install.log - where can I find out what the problem is?
you can roll backwards your console screen, the cause of the problem is being printed somewhere near the beginning of the error list. As far as I recall there were some (two? three?) packages missing, even if ./configure completes OK.
But 2.4.2 can be built on Suse 9.1 OK.
best regards,
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